Low cost help with STEP, MAT & TMUA exams
Please contact me at ngeere@gmail.com for one year's access to the following pages:
MAT + TMUA + FM: £10
STEP + MAT + TMUA + FM: £20
[The Further Maths (FM) pages (Pure+Mechanics+Prob & Stats+Decision) contain background material that may also be useful for Further Maths or as an introduction to university Maths.]
Any suggestions for new material are welcome.
(There are Preview pages with some examples of material.)
The following help can also be provided to students:
- regular or occasional Skype sessions: £30ph
- answering email questions and/or commenting on students' answers (typical cost is £10, for eg marking and providing notes on a student's answer to a MAT or STEP question)
(I taught Maths for 6 years at Kelly College, Tavistock, and have worked with the Further Maths Support Programme since 2011. I was a Further Maths exam marker for 12 years, and have written textbooks for Hodder.)
Nick Geere MA(Oxon)
Cossington, Somerset